Thursday, June 12, 2008

No Winner :(

I only got 7 votes on the contest, so there was no winner this time :( . But I did add new items to A Wonderful World based on the comments readers did make.

A pair of rhinoceros at the San Diego Zoo Wild Animal Park May 2007. According to the keeper, this boy and girl rhinos are sweethearts and spend all their time together. By far the biggest vote-getter. Available in 4x6 and 5x7.

Beautiful South Beach, Miami, Florida, May 2008. Available in 5x5 and 8x8.

And, of course, I'm offering free shipping through the end of June.

I'm off to visit the in-laws for Father's Day this weekend, then to New Orleans for my real job on Monday, so I won't be adding any new photos until next week. But I'm taking my camera with me and hopefully I'll bring back some new great pictures!

0 Tell me what you think: