Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Random Musings

Things I puffy red heart:

  1. The Princess Bride - either you love it or you hate it
  2. Whipped topping
  3. Christopher Walken - especially when he dances
  4. Las Vegas
  5. My ipod (named Izzy)
  6. Tiki drinks
  7. Elivs - both of 'em - Presley and Costello
  8. Cute shoes
  9. Coney Island
  10. Cupcakes
  11. Cute things like this
I'm working on a couple of new things for A Wonderful World: notecards and cute little notepads, all hand made and all featuring some of my most popular photos. I hope to have them up by Monday, but life might get in the way of that, so we'll see. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

3 Tell me what you think:

Heather said...

Is that the same tractor from Wednesday?? I need to find a tractor! I too love the Princess Bride. My BF from HS and I used to watch it over and over and over! I also love cupcakes.

Lily said...

Princess favorite movie of all time. I think my first crush ever was on Wesley. for a long time my kids were running around saying..My name is Inigo killed my father..prepare to die!

Krissynae said...

I love your list of things you love. I love a lot of those items also