Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Love a Little Bling

Saturday was the perfect day for pink cupcakes and tiaras. I hosted a "Bling Bling Bridal Shower" for my sister. Everything was pink and silver and sparkly, and everyone wore tiaras and big plastic rings and had a great time. And I had to take a 3 day break to recover!

Last week Heather bestowed upon A Wonderful World this terrific little honor:

with the following rules attached:

  1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.
  2. Link to the person you received your award from.
  3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
  4. Put links to those blogs on yours.
  5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you have nominated.
So my 7 nominees are:
Etsy for Animals
Laura (Seeking the Rabbit)
Handmade Network
Anna Maria
How about Orange
Southeastern Etsy Team (where your truly just happens to be featured today)

Now I'm off to post in all these blogs! Don't forget, all notepads at A Wonderful World are 30% off during the month of August. They make terrific stocking stuffers!

5 Tell me what you think:

east4thstreet said...

I need a pink cupcake right now!

Handmadenetwork said...

Thanks for the nomination! And - I agree with east4thstreet - cupcakes are desperately needed!

Jessica Jones said...

Thanks so much for the award! You're too kind!

Teresa jane said...

Thanks for nominating SoutheasternUSEtsy! Congrats on being our featured member this week. You deserve it!

Heather said...

Oh this sounds like a fabulous shower! Love the tiaras!